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Bar Cop Software
Bar inventory software for restaurants and bars

Take bar inventory fast and accurately.

Weigh your liquor and wine bottles fast with Wedge software and a connected bar weigh scale for the easiest and most accurate inventory data possible.

You can also use free voice command to enter products weights or point counts simply by speaking, making managing inventory fast and easy.

Can I use any scale to weigh?

All you need to weigh inventory and transfer weights into Bar Cop automatically is Wedge software and a compatible scale (USB, Bluetooth, RS-232). You can use any Wedge software/scale that you want to. Optionally, you can weigh using any normal scale that weighs in ounces with voice command or manually typing in the weights.

What is free voice command?

Voice command is entering data by simply talking using Microsoft's free speech recognition software and a headset.

Manage your inventory efficiently.

Create inventory locations and replicate product shelf placement, making the inventory process a seamless transition from one location to the next.

Arrange your products at each inventory location to match the exact order that your products are located on shelves, speed wells, and storage areas.

What is an inventory location?

An inventory location is an area that product is kept - a main bar, stockroom, walk-in, etc. You can also separate a bar area into different locations (well 1, well 2, etc).

How many locations can I have?

Each main product category can have up to 8 locations. Locations function independently from one another, so each one can be setup with any product and in any order.

Track purchases and price adjustments.

Enter received purchases and compare costs from one order to the next, so you can quickly adjust pricing as needed to keep an accurate profit margin.

Make sales adjustments in Bar Cop for happy hour pricing, discounted drinks, product spillage, and anything else to accurately calculate sales metrics.

What are received purchases?

A received purchase is any product that was ordered and added to your inventory during a specific inventory period.

Why do I need to make adjustments?

Adjustments change the calculated theoretical sales. For example: If 2 products are spilled, you would adjust the spills so that usage is not included in the final theoretical sales data.

Stop losing your profits to employee carelessness and inventory theft.

Bar Cop's theft prevention features help you quickly find product losses caused by employees stealing and carelessness. Keep profits out of your employee's pockets and going into the register where they belong.

Catch profit and revenue loss quickly.

Bar Cop calculates and reports your theoretical sales... or what should have been rang into the register based on the actual product usage.

Compare your register sales to the theoretical sales and find out your true retail sales variance, showing profit losses from theft and carelessness.

How are theoretical sales calculated?

Theoretical sales are your expected retail sales based on total product usage from the start of an inventory period until the end (this takes into account all product usage from theft, over-pouring, give-aways, etc.)

Why do theoretical sales matter?

Without having theoretical sales to compare against your register sales, you would never know how much profit you are really losing to theft and carelessness.

Analyze product profits and losses.

When you want to dig deeper, compare individual product sales to the calculated theoretical sales for a more in-depth sales variance (profit loss) analysis.

Bar Cop also helps you see what your loss variances are for each product by comparing usage data to easily spot potential product theft issues.

What are sales and usage variances?

Sales and usage variances are two ways you can compare your register rings by actual usage on the product level. Run a POS sales or usage report and copy that data into Bar Cop to see true profit losses.

How does variance data help me?

Variance amounts and percentages are your retail sales loss to theft and carelessness. Without learning your variances, employees can be stealing and you would never know.

Shift checks keep bartenders honest.

With shift checks, you can take a surprise inventory of specific products before and after a shift to catch theft, over or under-pouring, free drink give-aways.

Shift checks track the data of selected products in any product category during a complete shift and compare actual usage to ending register sales or usage.

How often can I shift check?

You can take shift checks as often as you need to. A shift check can also be longer than one shift and be for a full day if wanted.

What products can I shift check?

You can shift check any product in a main category and even shift check products in different categories at the same time.

Make perfect vendor orders, reducing dead stock and cash flow issues.

Bar Cop creates perfect orders by calculating dynamic par levels from averaged historical product usage, ensuring that you never order too much or too little stock. We keep your inventory cash flow... flowing.

Take the guesswork out of ordering.

Manage your par levels in one location to simplify the vendor order process and ensure that you are ordering the right amount of stock every time.

Quickly adjust a product's calculated par level when you need to order more (or less) of that item for specific events, sales specials, or for any other reason.

Why should I use vendor orders?

Bar Cop takes the guesswork out of ordering by calculating each product's average usage based on historical data ensuring that you always order the right amount.

What if I need to adjust a product order?

You can adjust any product's calculated par level by adding or subtracting to it. This is helpful when you are running a product special and know you will be using more product than usual for a brief amount of time.

Maintain correct par levels automatically.

Bar Cop automatically calculates dynamic par levels based on historical usage at the end of each inventory, ensuring you always order the right amount of product.

With the built-in par multiplier you can quickly adjust par levels to compensate for slower or busy times of the year, improving your inventory cash flow.

What are dynamic par levels?

Dynamic par levels change from one inventory period to the next, always adjusting based on current product usage data so calculated orders are always optimized.

How does the par multiplier work?

The par multiplier is your safety net. For example: If you set a liquor par multiplier of 2.5, the calculated par level would be 2 1/2 times the current average usage. For slower times of year, you can make the multipler smaller to keep less stock on-hand. Each category can have a different par multiplier.

Create vendor orders in a few seconds.

Because orders are automatically created each inventory period with dynamic pars, placing vendor orders only takes a couple of minutes to complete.

Quickly filter product orders by vendor, then export the order PDF to email directly to vendors or print the PDF for order that need to be faxed.

How are product orders created?

It's simple! Filter products by vendor and then either create a PDF to email or print the order to fax. It takes seconds and your done.

What is the order process with vendors?

When an order is calculated it takes the current par level and subtracts the on-hand inventory giving an exact order amount. Order total is estimated based on current average cost times the product ordered

Better business decisions come from accurate inventory usage data.

Bar Cop's analytical reports break down product usage through each inventory period cycle so you always know what's going on and give you actionable insights that help your bar become more profitable.

Analytical data that changes the game.

Bar Cop systematically breaks down product usage into organized analytical reports, giving you the data needed to make more focused business decisions.

Know exact inventory costs and retail values, learn what products are trending and which ones are hurting cash flow, track historical usage, and more.

Why are analytical metrics important?

Analytical metrics keep you in the immediate know, so you can make smarter inventory, ordering, pricing, and sales decisions.

How do I use the analytical metrics?

When you know what products are at the start of a trend or slowdown, you can quickly adjust pricing to maximize profit and minimize losses. Analytical metric data gives you actionable insights for better revenue growth.

But wait, there's more...

Recover revenue and profit loss, cut your inventory time down, reduce labor costs.

The built-in pricing tools help you calculate perfect cost percentages and profit margins.

Copy and paste data from Excel (exported from your POS) for quick and easy setup.

Save inventories to keep historical records after each inventory period for reference.

Hands-free data entry by voice command using MS free speech recognition tool.

Export your inventory data to a new Excel spreadsheet or PDF with the click of a button.

Take physical inventory counts daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly... as often as you want.

Track your liquor, wine, bottle beer, draught beer, merchandise, food... inventory anything.

Weigh your inventory (liquor, wine, kegs) for accurate data and/or optionally point count.

Weigh bottles using any Wedge software and compatible scale (USB, Bluetooth, RS-232).

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Software questions

What is the Bar Cop inventory software?

Bar Cop is inventory management software developed specifically for bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. It gives you complete inventory tracking capabilities for liquor, wine, bottle beer, draft beer, food, and miscellaneous products. Whether you are a small local cafe or full scale restaurant, Bar Cop makes your inventory and ordering process easy.

You can take inventory daily, weekly, monthly, or any other chosen inventory period. You will learn how much profit is really being lost due to theft, over-pouring, and drinks being given away for free.  Bar Cop creates dynamic par levels and orders automatically, ensuring the correct amount of product is always ordered to help manage your cash flow efficiently.

What type of products can I track in Bar Cop?

You can inventory just about anything. Bar Cop has 6 main inventory categories: liquor, wine, bottle beer, draft beer, food, and miscellaneous. The miscellaneous category can be used to track merchandise you sell like t-shirts, hats, and items like cigarettes. Inventory locations can be setup in each category to inventory your products in the exact order they are arranged on the shelves.

Is Bar Cop a phone app or online application?

Bar Cop is neither. Think of Bar Cop as an Excel application on steroids. Bar Cop downloads to your computer and uses Excel to power its core functionality, so if you have used Excel -  you can learn how to use Bar Cop in about 30 minutes. Inventory can be complicated, but the software you use shouldn't be.

What are the requirements to use Bar Cop?

No expensive handhelds, scanners, or other complicated devices are necessary. A laptop, large tablet, or any computer with a PC version of Microsoft Office 365 ($7 per month) installed is all that you need. No internet connection needed to use Bar Cop (except to access online help documentation). If you want to enter data using voice command then you will need a headset and MS speech recognition (it's free) installed on your computer. If you want to weigh your liquor, wine, and draft beer products, you will need Keyboard Wedge software and a compatible scale see help docs for details

*Bar Cop is not compatible with the Apple version of Excel. To use Bar Cop on an Apple computer, you will need to install Windows PC Excel 2016 or later and run it on Mac Boot Camp or Parallels.

Can I weigh my liquor, wine, and draft beer?

Absolutely, you can weigh your inventory. You can weigh your liquor bottles, wine bottles, and draft beer kegs. You can use Keyboard Wedge software and a compatible scale (USB, Bluetooth, RS-232) that connects to your computer to automatically transfer weights into Bar Cop or optionally any regular basic scale. If using a regular scale, weights can be entered into Bar Cop either by voice command or manually typing. A scale to weigh bottles needs to have an "Ounces" only unit of measurement option and weight capacity of about 10 lbs. A keg scale needs to have a large base (12x15 should be minimum size) and weigh capacity of a minimum of 320 lbs.

Can I use any scale to weigh my inventory?

Maybe. If you want to use a scale that connects to your computer via USB, Bluetooth, or RS-232 you have to also have Keyboard Wedge software that is compatible with the scale. You can optionally use a normal scale (needs an ounces only unit of measurement option) and enter weights using voice command or manually typing.

Can I use a Bluetooth scale to transfer data?

With compatible Keyboard Wedge software and the computer you are using supports Bluetooth you should be able to. However, in general we do not recommend using a Bluetooth scale because of potential signal issues. A wire connected USB or RS-232 scale will be more reliable.

Does weighing products take a long time?

Not at all. In fact weighing with either a connected scale or normal scale and voice command takes only a few seconds each bottle.

Does Bar Cop track mixed drink recipes?

No, trying to track drink recipes isn't an accurate or efficient way to take inventory. Why? Theoretically for it to work, you would have to have every recipe of every drink known entered in your inventory software and also your POS system. If you managed to accomplish that, then you would have to rely on your bartenders to hit the correct drink key, every single time. With potentially 1,000's of drink variations now in your POS - that just isn't going to happen.

In reality most POS systems have a button for each of their liquor types with up charges for the more expensive brands and possibly some specialty drink keys - making it impossible to track by drink recipes without a complete POS revision. As long as your mixed drinks are cost out correctly (mixed drink prices should be calculated using a standard shot size/price for each liquor poured in the drink) and your bartenders charge the correct price (not always hit the correct drink key) then your liquor will always be tracked accurately by comparing total sales versus total usage. Bar Cop will help you cost out your drinks correctly and track your inventory efficiently.

How many inventory locations can I create?

You can have up to 8 inventory locations in each main product category. So liquor, wine, bottle beer, draft beer, food, and miscellaneous categories will have their own independent inventory locations.

Can I arrange my products in any order?

Yes! Every inventory location can have products arranged in the exact order that they are placed on your shelves or in coolers. So if you have 4 different inventory locations for liquor, example: a main bar, patio bar, and two storage areas. Each one of those four inventory locations can be arranged completely different than the others.

How accurate is Bar Cop?

Weighing is by far the most accurate way to take inventory and there is still a 2% margin of error. This means that you will be in the 98-100% accuracy range with your inventory numbers. Point counting, slider apps, eye-balling... all of these methods are based on visually guessing how much product is left and have on average a 12-15% margin of error. With these methods you will usually be in the 85-88% accuracy range.

What is voice command data entry?

Voice command is simply talking to Bar Cop and telling it the numerical data that you want to enter. To use voice command - you will need a good quality headset with a noise cancelling microphone. A good headset doesn't have to be expensive, we like the brand Koss and use the CS100 which costs around $20.  Try a few different ones until you find one that works well for you. You will also need Microsoft's speech recognition installed on your computer (it probably already is). When you have those two things, read the using voice command help doc to get started. Once you are setup, start entering data by talking. It makes inventory lightning fast.

What is the inventory product report?

The product report breaks down each product's cost per pour or serving, cost percent, how much potential profit that product has at your current standard price, and more data that you can use to potentially adjust pricing for better profit margins.

How does the pricing calculator work?

The pricing calculator gives you quick insight to how individual pricing changes would effect that product's profit margin and cost percent, without having to change data in product setup. You can change a product's price up or down to compare against your current standard price to see if a real pricing change would make sense or not.

What is the product price tool?

The pricing tool looks at the bigger picture, pricing out mixed drinks or food plates correctly. With the pricing tool you can enter the product mix to calculate an optimal sell price range based on the individual product prices that are included in the mix.

Why is it important to cost out product mixes?

A product mix, in the case of a mixed drink would be the drink recipe. The price you sell your mixed drinks for should be cost out based on the standard price and pour size of each product that is included in that recipe. This ensures that you are not leaving profit on the table and your inventory will always be tracked accurately.

How does Bar Cop track purchases?

When you receive product into your stock during an inventory period, you will enter those purchases as part of the inventory process. Bar Cop will compare the purchases prices from one order to the next, showing you price differences from one order to the next so you can quickly adjust sell prices if needed to maintain healthy profit margins.

What is the purchase report?

After received purchases are entered, Bar Cop calculates a purchase report that creates a new averaged cost for each product that is updated at the start of each new inventory period. This makes sure that product price fluctuations are always taken into account when compiling final inventory data.

How are discounts, spillage, voids, etc handled?

At the end of each inventory period, you can adjust for happy pricing, discounted drinks, voids, spillage, or anything else you want to. When you make an adjustment for a product, the adjusted amount is factored into the calculated theoretical sales of that product. This is important, because you want the calculated theoretical sales to be as accurate as possible when comparing to your actual register sales.

Why is ordering too much extra stock bad?

When you carry too much on-hand inventory it ties up cash in stock sitting on the shelf, which can create cash flow issues. Holding onto inventory that has a slow turnover rate hurts cash flow and growth.

What if I save money ordering liquor by the case?

It sounds like a good idea - buy in bulk and save a little money on the cost per bottle. You have to really look at your product turnover rate to see if the upfront savings are worth it. If you turnover at least 6 bottles a week then ordering by the case would make sense. If you buy a case of Scotch to save $20 and that product turns over a bottle every couple of months, the savings won't beat tying up the cash flow.

Is support included with the inventory software?

Email support is included for 30 days. We also have comprehensive online help documentation that walks you through the program and shows you exactly how to use it.

How often can I take my physical inventory?

You can inventory daily, weekly, monthly... as often as you want to. A typical inventory period would be Monday - Sunday, or taking inventory once a week. The built-in shift check feature, let's you take random inventories of select products anytime that you want to during a normal week or longer inventory period. Shift checks help keep bartenders honest because they never know when you might be taking one.

My POS tracks items, why do I need Bar Cop?

There are two types of inventory tracking, basic and theft prevention. Most POS systems have some type of basic inventory tracking built-in. The problem with POS inventory, is that the results are based on what is actually rang into the register. If a bartender rings up a bottle of beer, that bottle is subtracted from the inventory count. If they ring up a shot of liquor, that shot is subtracted from the inventory count.

See the problem? If your employees are stealing, the products they steal are not being rang into the register, so your POS system has no idea that theft is happening. Bar Cop is different, tracking your inventory by what is actually poured or served, not what is being rang into the register. If a bartender serves a shot of liquor and doesn't ring it into the register, your POS system won't track that shot. Bar Cop tracks all used product, rang into a register or not, finding theft so you can end it.

How does Bar Cop calculate my orders?

Bar Cop tracks your product usage from one inventory period to the next, averaging out each product's usage over a period of time. Dynamic par levels are then calculated factoring in a set par multiplier (can be changed at any time) and perfect orders are created based on that data.

Can I adjust par levels if I need to?

Yes, par levels can be adjusted for any product. Example: If running a product special, you can increase that product's par for one order.

What are dynamic par levels?

Par levels are the number of each product you should have in your inventory at the start of each new inventory period. Par levels in Bar Cop are dynamic because they automatically adjust from one inventory period to the next based on each products historical usage history. This ensures that as a product starts to trend with higher sales or sales start to slow down, your orders are always adjusting to quickly compensate for these changes. Bar Cop's order management keeps you from ordering too much or too little stock. 

How are seasonal changes taken into account?

Bar Cop has a built-in par multiplier that allows you to quickly adjust your par levels for circumstances like seasonal slowdowns or busier times of the year. The par multiplier is your safety net calculation for each product category. For instance, a "2" par multiplier for liquor means you want to carry 2 times your average usage giving you a good ordering safety net. If winter is a busier time of year for you, then you can change your par multiplier to "2.5", "3", etc. to raise your safety net during those months.

How do I place orders with vendors?

Bar Cop automatically creates final orders based on the calculated par level of each products (taking into account your par multiplier and any individual par adjustments you make). To order, filter your products by vendor name and then you can quickly export that order in Excel or PDF to email to your vendor or print any orders that you need to fax.

What are theoretical sales?

Theoretical sales are the calculated sales numbers in Bar Cop based on each product's actual usage from the start of an inventory period until the end of the inventory period. In other words, a product's theoretical sales are what should have been rang into your register based on how much of that product was used/poured/served.

Why are theoretical sales important?

The theoretical sales calculated by Bar Cop are used to determine if you have a theft problem and how bad that problem actually is. If a bartenders pours a product that has a retail sales value of $5.00 and puts that $5.00 in his pocket your POS system or cash register will not show you that when running your sales report.

Bar Cop on the other hand will know that product was poured and includes the $5.00 that should have been rang into your register in the theoretical sales. If you compared your actual register sales to the calculated theoretical sales in this example, the theoretical sales would be $5.00 more than what was rang into your register, showing you that you lost $5.00 in retail sales.

What are variance dollars and percentages?

Variance dollars and percentages are two of the most important numbers the Bar Cop gives you. Variances are the difference between your actual sales and the calculated theoretical sales, or the amount of retail profit you lost to theft, over-pouring, giving away product, etc.

What is a good or bad variance?

An acceptable variance percentage (and standard for the industry) is 5% and under. This 5% variance percentage takes into account the small margin of error when weighing products, normal spillage/waste that isn't accounted, etc. A variance over 5% means you might have theft issues, with the higher the percentage number equating to bigger theft. A typical bar on average has a 20% variance when an accurate inventory system is not in place.

How does Bar Cop stop bartenders from stealing?

The first step is taking an accurate inventory with Bar Cop by weighing your open products. You can optionally point count with Bar Cop, however inventory methods like point counting, slider apps, weightless inventory, eye-balling, etc. are all visually estimating and have a margin of error much greater than the 5% variance you should be targeting. Because the margin of error is so large, you'll never know if or how bad of a theft problem you really have. The second step is shift checking your bartenders.

What is shift checking bartenders?

The shift check feature in Bar Cop allows you to take inventory of any liquor or wine product before and after a bartender's shift and compare each products usage against their register sales. This gives you a quick insight to your bartenders pour habits and keeps bartenders honest when they know you can shift check them at any time without notice.

Why are product usage reports important?

Think of counting your inventory as the tool and usage reports are the final results after you finish building something. Usage reports give you the big picture of what is really happening in your establishment after an inventory period is complete. The data metrics that product usage reports provide will help guide you to making better and more profitable decisions.

How do I use the usage data reports?

This report breaks down each product's usage from the start of an inventory period until the end, showing you exactly how many pour or servings where made, how much the product's usage cost, and the theoretical sales based on that usage (otherwise how much should have been rang into your register based on true usage).

What is the usage totals report?

Bar Cop takes the product totals from the usage data report and keeps historical records of the last 12 inventory periods that automatically update in each new inventory file. This gives you a snapshot overview of each categories product usage totals to quickly compare from one inventory period to the next.

What does the stock values report show?

At the end of each inventory period, you can see your starting inventory cost values, cost of purchases values, cost of goods used, and ending inventory cost values for every product in each main category. Next to each of the 4 listed cost values, Bar Cop also gives you the retail values for each so you can compare your cost values to potential retail sales.

How does the most used report help?

The inventory most used report takes the theoretical sales data for each main category and compiles data of your top 20 used products. This catches products as they start to trend quickly, giving you the opportunity to boost profits with product specials and price increases.

What is the least used products report used for?

The inventory least used report shows you products that are tying up cash flow sitting on the shelf and not selling, giving you the knowledge on what products can be liquidated. Getting rid of dead stock as quickly as possible frees up cash that can be used in better ways to grow profits.

What is the total usage history report?

Bar Cop tracks each product's historical usage for the past seven inventory periods, updating after each new inventory file, giving you an extended usage overview from one inventory period to the next. Each product's usage is then averaged for the previous seven inventory periods showing an accurate estimate for future usage.

How does the stock check report work?

The inventory stock check report looks at your product with the most on-hand inventory at the end of the inventory period and compares it to the product usage to determine if those products are holding excess inventory. If products have excess inventory, you can look at adjusting your orders and potentially liquidating stock to cash flow better. *Note if you use Bar Cop's built-in order management feature you will not have to worry about having excessive inventory on-hand.